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Kelli's Blog

DIY hand sanitizers don't work, germs, virus, flu, Coronavirus, colds



You can't turn on your TV or computer without reading something about the Coronavirus. We all want to do whatever we can to protect ourselves, don't we?

Many stores are sold out of hand sanitizers, leading to a glut of homemade hand sanitizer recipes/videos all over the internet.

I started to look at some of the DIY recipes circulating and quickly realized,

 Have to prevent getting the flu, Coronavirus, immunity support, how not to get sick, immune system, essential oils, Laurel Leaf, Orange, Lemon, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Clove


It seems everyone you talk to lately has or is just getting over the flu. Then you turn on the news and there's the coronavirus!

I've been researching ways to prevent getting the flu. While most of what I read is common sense, I did learn a thing or two. Here's what I found:
