10 Common Skincare Mistakes
Thinking products that have been in your cabinets too long are still effective
Keep your skincare routine fresh and effective. Toss out products that are over a year old to prevent bacteria buildup and maintain product potency.
Most skincare products lose a great deal of their potency after 12 months. It is best to use the entire contents within one year. Ingredients can also get contaminated with bacteria.
Cucumbers remove under eye puffiness
The principle ingredient in cucumbers is water (90%) with the balance being inert fiber. They can be soothing and temporarily hydrate skin but the mistake is thinking they can permanently get rid of puffiness. You can get the same result from a cold compress. A bag of peas works great too.
Layering several products with SPF rating will increase protection
You are only protected to the level of the highest rating of one product. A foundation with SPF10, moisturizer with an SPF15 and a sunscreen with an SPF 20 does not yield an SPF rating of 45. You are protecting your skin with SPF20 only.
Facial exercises tone facial muscles and make us look younger

Alcohol abuse causes your nose to become red and bulbous
Excessive alcohol consumption can temporarily dilate blood vessels and make the skin on your nose appear flushed, but in most cases, a large, inflamed red and bulbous nose is a result of rosacea.
Vitamin A (Retinol) thins the skin

Actually, the reverse is true. Skin can become thin due to the lack of Vitamin A. Retinol (derived from Vitamin A) helps to create new, healthy, and normal skin cells. Retinol is arguably the most important skin care ingredient, bar none. It is one of the few ingredients that is backed by more than 50 years of objective, scientific research supporting its efficacy.
Using oil-free products is best for oily skin
Even the oiliest skin needs moisture. Skipping oil can lead to skin that's chronically dry (yes you read this right), which is when skin starts to produce more oil. Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer.
Skin pores can shrink
Pores are openings in the skin that allow oils (sebum) to reach the surface. If pores are large, this can be due to trapped dead skin cells and debris, genetics, or scarring from squeezing blemishes. They also stretch as we age. It's super important to keep them clean, which in turn makes them appear smaller, but no, they don't shrink.
Skipping Exfoliation
This crucial skincare step is often overlooked, and it's a mistake. Our pores need deep cleaning at least 2-3 times a week. It allows our serums to work better too.
I can reverse sun damage and signs of aging quickly
The damage did not happen overnight, and cannot be magically repaired. Expect at least three skin cycles, a cycle can be between 21-40 days, depending on age - to begin to see measurable results.
Have you made skincare mistakes? Share, please.