Kelli's Blog

 Laughter is the best medicine, health benefits of laughter during crisis such as COVID19, Coronavirus


The expression, "Laughter is the best medicine" is especially true today.

According to the Mayo Clinic laughter is more important than we realize:

DIY hand sanitizers don't work, germs, virus, flu, Coronavirus, colds



You can't turn on your TV or computer without reading something about the Coronavirus. We all want to do whatever we can to protect ourselves, don't we?

Many stores are sold out of hand sanitizers, leading to a glut of homemade hand sanitizer recipes/videos all over the internet.

I started to look at some of the DIY recipes circulating and quickly realized,

 Have to prevent getting the flu, Coronavirus, immunity support, how not to get sick, immune system, essential oils, Laurel Leaf, Orange, Lemon, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Clove


It seems everyone you talk to lately has or is just getting over the flu. Then you turn on the news and there's the coronavirus!

I've been researching ways to prevent getting the flu. While most of what I read is common sense, I did learn a thing or two. Here's what I found:

Aromatherapy certified, certification, study, why are essential oils good for the skin? Custom products for my skin over 50
I'm complete with the Aromatherapy Certification Program I began 9 long months ago...a big deal for someone my age (64).
  • 2 min read

skin and oxidation, aging, wrinkles, free radical damage and the skin, how to avoid premature agiang


We all know our skin ages, sometimes faster than we would like. There are two main reasons our skin ages known as Intrinsic and Extrinsic aging. 

Intrinsic or Genetics - contribute to how fast we age. Most of us show signs of aging in our late 40's to early 50's. 

Extrinsic or External Factors - These include environmental, free radical sun damage, and stress.

Free radical and sun damage accounts for 90% of early signs of aging. Seriously, it's that high! 

  • 3 min read

fragrance, perfumes the new second hand smoke, toxins in the air, EPA


You walk into a store full of scented candles. They smell so fresh and lovely, but a few minutes later, your nose starts to itch and you start to get a headache.

  • 2 min read
best sugar scrub for dry, sensitive skin, toxin free, clean beauty products, EWG

Ahhh, January. Love the cool weather and the rain--don't love dry, flaky skin on hands and feet.

Why is our skin so dry looking this time of year?

Lack of humidity in our homes, offices, and public places from running indoor heat, along with cold temperatures and wind, can leave the skin dry, cracked and cause hands to be red and flaky.

You can apply all the hand cream you want to dry hands and feet, but if you don't 

  • 2 min read
Roasted vegetable instead of green bean casserole, healthy Thanksgiving alternatives
Thank goodness Halloween is over, right? The sugar has wreaked havoc on our skin and now we have Thanksgiving coming up!  How can we minimize the damage to our skin--and our waistline this holiday season?
  • 2 min read


I'm in the Skincare business, not the Haircare business, BUT, when I find something that works on my own fine, wimpy hair, I shout it from the rooftops!* These are my new go-to products.

Even if you don't have wimpy hair, most of us over 50 would like more shine, less frizz, and more volume in certain areas.

I've recently found products that address all three of these hair issues. 

  • 3 min read
Oil-Poached Mediterranean Tuna Salad, Culinary Institute Oceania Rivera, Chef Kelly

We just returned from a dream cruise to the Mediterranean where I prepared and sampled some of the best dishes I've ever eaten.  We cruised the Oceania, Rivera for 10 days. The Culinary Institute on board the ship is where you'd find me if I wasn't out exploring the sites.

 Chef Kelly taught us 5 different ways to prepare fish, from poaching to pan-searing. I now know how to make the perfect scallop!

Once you've tasted tuna salad this'll never go back to canned tuna!

  • 2 min read
